
Two litres of a mixture of spirit and water contains 12% water.This is added to 3 litres of another mixture of spirit and water containing 5% of water.Find the percentage ofwater in the resulting mixture.

A) $7\frac{2}{5}%$

B) $7\frac{3}{5}%$

C) $7\frac{4}{5}%$

D) $7%$


Option C


Water present in first mixture  $=\frac{2\times12}{100}=\frac{6}{25}$litres

Water present in second mixture $\frac{3\times5}{100}=\frac{3}{20}$

Total water present in 5 litres of the resulting mixture$=\frac{6}{25}+\frac{3}{20}=\frac{39}{100}$

Pertange of water present in the resulting mixture $=\frac{\frac{39}{100}\times 100}{5}=7\frac{4}{5}%$