
A,B,C are employed to do a piece of work for Rs.529. A and B together are supposed to do $\frac{19}{23}$ of the work and B and C together $\frac{8}{23}$ of the work. What is the share of A?

A) Rs. 345

B) Rs. 350

C) Rs. 360

D) Rs. 370

E) Rs. 375


Option A


$(A+B)$’s work $=\frac{19}{23}$

$C$’swork $=\left(1-\frac{19}{23}\right)$ $=\frac{4}{23}$

$A$’s work $=\frac{19}{23}-\frac{4}{23}$ $=\frac{15}{23}$

Ratio of work done by $A,B,C$ $=15:4:4$

$A$’s share $=\frac{15}{23}\times 529$ = 345