In this type of questions, generally, a set, group or series of numerals is given and the candidate is asked to trace out numerals following certain given conditions or lying at specifically mentioned positions after shuffling according to a certain given pattern.


In the following sequence of instructions, 1 stands for Run, 2 stands for Stop, 3 stands for Go, 4 stands for Sit and 5 stands for Wait. If the sequence were continued, which instruction will come next

4 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 3 1 4 5 3 1 2 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 3

A) Wait

B) Sit

C) Go

D) Stop

E) Run


Option E


The given sequence may be analysed as under:

4 / 45 / 453 / 4531 / 45312 / 45 / 453 /453

Following the above sequence, the next number is 1 which stands for 'Run'