In this type of questions, a message comprising of randomised letters/words or numbers or a combination of both is given as the input followed by steps of rearrangement to give sequential outputs. The candidate is required to trace out the pattern in the given rearrangement and then determine the desired output step, according to as is asked in the questions.


An electronic device rearranges numbers step-by-step in a particular order according to a set of rules. The device stops when the final result is obtained. In this case, the device stops at Step

Input 85 16 36 04 19 97 63 09
Step I 97 85 16 36 04 19 63 09
Step II 97 85 63 16 36 04 19 09
Step III 97 85 63 36 16 04 19 09
Step IV 97 85 63 36 19 16 04 09
Step V 97 85 63 36 19 16 09 04

Which is the last step for {the input below?

Input : 16 09 25 27 06 05

A) Step II

B) Step III

C) Step IV

D) None of these


Option A


Input 16 09 25 27 06 05
Step I 27 16 09 25 06 05
Step II 27 25 16 09 06 05

The whole set of numbers gets arranged in descending order in Step II itself. So, Step II is the last step for a given input. Hence, the answer ie (a)