In this type of questions, a message comprising of randomised letters/words or numbers or a combination of both is given as the input followed by steps of rearrangement to give sequential outputs. The candidate is required to trace out the pattern in the given rearrangement and then determine the desired output step, according to as is asked in the questions.


The admission ticket for an exhibition bears a password that is changed after every clock hour based on set of words chosen for each day. The following is an illustration of the code and steps of rearrangement for subsequent clock hours. The time is 9 a.m. to B p.m.

Batch I (9 a.m. to 10 a.m.): is not ready cloth simple harmony burning.

Batch II (10 a.m. to 11 a.m.): ready not is cloth burning harmony simple..

Batch III (11 a.m. to 12 noon): cloth is not ready simple harmony burning.

Batch IV (12 noon to 1 p.m.): not is cloth ready burning harmony simple

Batch V (1 p.m. to 2 p.m.): ready cloth is not simple harmony burning and so on.

Day's first password - "camel road no toy say me not". What will be the password for the fourth batch i.e.,12 noon to 1 p,m. ?

A) road camel toy to not me say

B) no road camel toy not me say

C) toy no road camel not me say

D) toy camel road no say me not

E) None of these


Option A


Clearly, the given arrangement is as under.

In the first step, the first three and the last three letters are written in reverse order. In the next step, the first four and the last three letters are written in reverse order. The process is repeated to obtain successive output steps. We may draw up a rearrangement draft as per the above pattern :

Batch I(9 am to 10 am) A B C D E F G
Batch II(10 am to 11 am) C B A D G F E
Batch III(11 am to 12 noon) D A B C E F G
Batch IV(12 pm to 1 pm ) B A D C G F E
Batch V(1 pm to 2 pm ) C D A B E F G
Batch VI(2 pm to 3 pm) A D C B G F E

Now we shall label the given password as per the above draft and accordingly find the desired password.

Batch I camel road no toy  say me not
  A B C D E F G
Batch II B A D C G F E
  road camel toy no not me say