Direction to solve:

In this type of questions,certain sample words are given along with their codes. The candidate is required to decipher individual codes for different letters by comparing, taking two words at a time and then answer the given questions accordingly.


In Column, I below ore given some words and in Column II are given their equivalents in code-language. Neither the codes nor the letters in Column II are given in the same order as the words and their spelling in column I. Study the two columns carefully and identify the code-equivalent of the letters in the word in Column I. Then, choose the correct code of the letter given in the question  "G"

Column I Column II
HEAD hlonqsx
ROUTINE dhpqrs
ENOUGH efnqr
GHOST eftrnox
NOSE hnor

A) e

B) f

C) h

D) None of these


A code language has been used to write the words in capital letters in English in  Column I as Greek letters in Column II. Greek letters in Column II do not appear in the same order as letters in Column I. Decode the language and, choose the correct code for the word given in word CYCLE, from amongst the alternatives provided.

Colunm I Colunm II
CLEAR $\gamma \beta \omega \pi \theta$
VIEW $\nu\epsilon\gamma\delta$
TURN $\eta\rho\pi\sigma$
BUTTER $\sigma\rho\alpha\sigma\pi\gamma$
OILY $\delta\lambda\theta\mu$
WRITE $\gamma\pi\sigma\nu\delta$
VOWEL $\nu\lambda\epsilon\gamma\theta$

A) $\beta\theta\gamma\mu\beta$

B) $\beta\mu\beta\nu\pi$

C) $\pi\rho\pi\epsilon\omega$

D) $\pi\lambda\beta\nu\pi$